Useful Information

 Time Difference

China is 8 hours ahead of GMT (Standard time). There is only one time zone in China.


  Electricity Supply

The standard electrical supply is 220 volts AC/50 cycles. Most hotels may provide outlet converters for 110 and 220 volts. Be careful and ask before plugging in a 110 volt appliance.

  Foreign Exchange

The monetary unit is the Yuan (CNY). The real-time exchange rate is advised to inquire via the link.


Xuzhou has entered the summer in August. In most years, The average temperature in Xuzhou in August is 25℃ - 31℃. Comfortable clothes such as short suits, T-shirts, thin denim shirts and pants, casual clothes and professional suits made of single-layer cotton and linen fabrics are recommended. The real-time weather is advised to inquire via the link.


Tipping is not a traditional Chinese custom.

  Useful Phone Numbers

Police: 110

Fire: 119

Medical Emergency: 120

Local Directory Assistance: 114